missionaries serving with Campus Crusade for Christ and FamilyLife

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunshine Girl

We made it to Children's Hospital before the sun was up this morning. We had so many people praying with us. We prayed that Jesus would bring sight to the blind. We believe with all of our hearts that He is able.

Our girlie is such a bright light. She is joyful, cheerful, gentle and so, so sweet! To say that we are completely smitten would be an understatement. We are so in love with this little girl. She did great with exams, eye drops, shots and surgery prep this morning.

The hardest part for her and for us was watching her get wheeled away with the doctors. She cried and we did, too. The doctor expected to remove the cataracts and attempt one lens transplant this morning. He also planned to evaluate her corneas for future transplant. He did ultra sounds of both eyes, as well as, several necessary measurements. He let us know it would take about 1.5 hours. He said he would call us from the OR to let us know prognosis. That is not how the morning unfolded, however.

20 minutes into the procedure, the doctor was approaching us in the waiting area. Our hearts sank and it caught us off guard. He lead us back to a private room and explained the scenario.

Our little lady has a complex case. She has very high pressures in both eyes- called glaucoma. This is a serious concern and an urgent medical need. It was too dangerous to proceed. Change of plans. Surgery is rescheduled for 1 month. We have begun a regimen of beta blocker eye drops in hopes of reducing the pressure in both eyes. The doctor explained that Sunshine has very little iris in either eye. It is not likely she will be candidate for lens transplant. He indicated that we will still try to remove cataracts in one month. We may try contact lenses or even glasses. He said it is not likely that we will gain any significant vision. All of this felt sad and unexpected to us.


We are praying. Many are praying. We were reminded of some of what our Pastor shared just yesterday in church. We recalled the story of Lazarus and the fact that God is never late. He is on time and operates in His ways to bring His glory. We don't know His plans for our girlie's vision, but we do know He is able to restore her sight. We are praying He would give her vision, BUT we also know He might be most glorified in the beauty of blindness & her dependence on Him. We are praying for His perfect will. We trust Him with all of our hearts.

Thank you to so many who continue to faithfully pray for our family. We are filled with joy and overwhelmed by your kindness.

Praising Jesus!! Art & Jen

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