missionaries serving with Campus Crusade for Christ and FamilyLife

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Home Two Weeks

Thanks to so many of you praying for our family. We are working so hard to build connections. We haven't posted in 10 days. We have been busy- board games, meals, water play, backyard camp-out, walks, attempts at bike riding, zoo and children's museum.
Breakfast fun- 
Our cute BJ

First attempts at bike riding...

water fun

Mercy & Caleb reading the blog of another Chinese adoptee whom recently accepted Christ. It created some really great conversation.

Baba & Mama snuggles.

Baba & Mama planned a special outing with just the three of us. Bowling was fun!

Backyard fun!

Little Rock Zoo

Camp out with Baba in the back yard.

Children's Museum


Medical appointments start this week for Caleb. We appreciate your continued prayers.
We have had some rough spots in the last couple of weeks. We are holding on to Jesus. We are praying & trusting in God's  plans for our family. We are asking Him to give us wisdom, courage and great strength as we press on.
We want so much to love these kiddos well, see His glory in our family and reflect Jesus to those watching.
With our many thanks-
Art, Jen & kiddos




  1. WE are praying for your precious family! We are so encouraged as you follow Jesus! Praying these verses for you: "“But if I were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." Job 5:8-9 Love The Abbott family

  2. I am so excited that Caleb has a family. I met him at BMH camp last year and visited him after camp and this year in May at the orphanage. During the visit the first of May this year they told us he had aged out.
    We were very sad because he could not get a home.
    So I am so happy that God blessed him with a home!
    He has a great Break dancing talant.
