missionaries serving with Campus Crusade for Christ and FamilyLife

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Working hard at playing

We are working so hard to connect. We appreciate your continued prayers for our family.... that we would be intentional, intuitive and connecting parents. Parenting is hard work!
We are walking a delicate balance of setting structure, boundaries & rules in our home. All the while... we are working so hard to lavish love & build connections.
We have been teaching the kiddos about John the Baptist the last couple of nights.
We smiled when we were reminded of this scripture:
John 1:14....And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Oh...that our lives would reflect Jesus... full of His grace & truth.
Seeking Him in every moment.
Below are some pics .....
Game time

Taking a walk time.

Family photo time - excited to wear our Show Hope t-shirts together!
Kitchen clean up fun!!

Mama & kids singing as we do dishes!

Baba leading the empty dishwasher efforts! 


Bethany rockin' the high chair!
Rain stopped long enough to enjoy the trampoline today!

Checked on the garden some today

Everyone is tucked in bed. Baba & Mama are taking a deep breath tonight. We are prayerful & grateful. We are so thankful for other adoptive families whom have shared wisdom & experience with us. We are grateful for all the training we have taken for adoptive families (Empowered to Connect, Dr, Karyn Purvis).
We are grateful God is with us every step of the way.
Praying God is glorified as we cling to Him.
With love & gratitude,
Art & Jen


1 comment:

  1. These photos...yes, I LOVE seeing Caleb with the rest of the family. But you know what I love most? Seeing the transformation in Mercy and Zoey since their coming home photos. I can't wait to be able to look back at these photos of Caleb and see the transformation in him, too. Prayers with you.
